Fast Money Scam


This scam will try to trick you in giving them money to get inside-knowledge that will help you earn money fast.

They will try to tick you into giving them money in exchange for some inside-knowledge. this inside-knowledge will help you earn fast money. this is promised to be an at home job and all you need to do is make some phone calls. In reality they only send you some documents to read witch have no real information in them. also never tell you what to do or how to call.

than they vanish, your now out of $500-$1,000  and have no leads on who they were. you provide numbers but no links to anyone that is affiliated.

another option is they get your information and use it to create an account to call blast other victimizes. and you payed for this account so its all tied to you. now the FBI contacts you but you had no idea what was going on.

please be aware and do not pay these scammers.


“hello and welcome to this private call witch is by invitation only”

Private Financial Group?

Sample call of what you may hear.


there is no such thing has fast money.

MGM another breach

NOTICE OF DATA BREACH – EMAILED FROM MGM Dear reader, We recently learned of a cybersecurity issue affecting our company.

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Okta Breach

The recent breach at Okta, a reputable identity and access management service provider, has rung alarm bells in the cybersecurity

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